“Working to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment locally and globally.”
The Society works to keep our district clean and green by:
- Being an independent local watchdog over actions of local Councils, government agencies and developers.
- Providing a forum for members to express their environmental concerns to local, state and national governments.
- Campaigning against inappropriate tree removal and other environmental damage in our suburbs.
- Providing environmentally-focused feedback to local Councils on significant developments and management plans.
- Publishing educational materials including Birds of Oatley Park, Native Plants of Oatley and producing a monthly newsletter to keep members informed about local environmental issues, as well as conservation issues in the wider community.
- Supporting environmental campaigns, such as conservation of urban bushland and protection of the Georges River catchment.
- Making representations to Members of Parliament on important local environmental issues.
- Investigating and reporting environmental problems such as pollution and habitat destruction.
- Working with other conservation bodies, such as the Georges River Combined Councils, Georges River Environmental Alliance, Total Environment Centre.
- Funding environmental science research, eg, supporting post-graduate student projects.
OFF History
OFF Constitution
At the committee meeting on 09 March 2018 amended rules of the society were accepted for approval by the membership. These rules will henceforth to be known as the Constitution. Changes are required to ensure that OFF complies with Associations Incorporation laws.
The new Constitution will also incorporate a Mission statement which is a formal summary of the core purpose and focus of our organisation. Changes to incorporated associations constitutions require approval by at least 75% of members attending a Special General Meeting. Approval was unanimous at the meeting held on 25th June 2018, following the normal general meeting.