Flora Seasonal Blooms

Seasonal Blooms – May

Guide compiled by Alan Fairley: author of Native Plants of the Sydney Region

Flora Seasonal Blooms

Seasonal Blooms – January

Guide compiled by Alan Fairley: author of Native Plants of the Sydney Region

Fauna OFF Activities Walks

March 2022 Field Day Boat Harbour Shorebirds

An invigorating OFF field excursion to Boat Harbour and Merries Reef, which is a renowned and important site for migratory and resident shorebirds where they roost at high tide and feed at low tide.

OFF Activities Talks

Drinking Water Treatment

Colin Storey spoke to the society at our May meeting on Drinking water treatment.

OFF Activities

Banks Community Volunteer Award

Graham Lalchere was recently presented with a Banks Community Volunteer Award by Federal MP David Coleman

OFF Activities Talks

Turtle Rescue

Turtle Rescue – Saving animals from urbanisation

OFF Activities

2021 Calendar Photo Competition

Oatley – Gem of the Georges River Oatley Flora and Fauna 2021 Calendar Photo Competition is on again. Time to get out in the great outdoors and capture some captivating flora, fauna and fabulous scenic photos. Please read the guidelines below for more details. Send those entries to or OFF Facebook page