Flora Seasonal Blooms

Seasonal Blooms – September

Guide compiled by Alan Fairley: author of Native Plants of the Sydney Region

OFF Activities

October 26 2023 – OFF Planting Bushcare

Members can assist by volunteering to maintain OFF planting sites once a month.

OFF Activities

Re-greening Country 2023

OFF is continuing re-greening our country, an effort to overcome many years of degradation and neglect of our country. This year we are planting at Moorlands, a property in the Upper Lachlan catchment.
To participate in these events, register for free on Eventbrite using this link:
or read on for more information.

OFF Activities Talks

August 21 2023 Meeting – Kelp Forests

Dr. Aaron Eger (an OFF research grant recipient), Founder and Program Director of the Kelp Forest Alliance (KFA), updated us on the conservation of these important marine habitats.

Glenlee OFF Activities

Glenlee Update – August 2023

Friends of Glenlee (FoG) held their AGM on 31 July to elect a new committee and discuss how to progress the campaign to preserve Glenlee. In this discussion on preserving Glenlee, the following points were made: * the need for Council to take further steps to acquire Glenlee and to set aside funding to do […]

OFF Activities Walks

July 2023 Walk – Wildflowers of the Royal NP

OFF members and friends enjoyed a fabulous blue sky winter walk in the Royal NP.

Flora Seasonal Blooms

Seasonal Blooms – August

Guide compiled by Alan Fairley: author of Native Plants of the Sydney Region