Lime Kiln Bay to Glenlee

The walk covers the area from Lime Kiln Bay via Peakhurst Heights to Glenlee and returns via lower Gannons Park and the interesting Stormwater Harvesting Project.

This walk can be done as a 7km circuit walk taking about 2-3 hours.

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TRACK Grade 3

Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Tracks may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.

1) Lime Kiln Bay footbridge to Boggywell Point (1.2km)

Start at Lime Kiln Bay footbridge in Oatley Park. Take the time to look out for the shore birds such as Royal Spoonbill, White Ibis, Ducks, Swamphens, Herons, Cormorant. For more see Wetland & River Birds in Oatley Park.

2) After crossing the footbridge, walk across Jinna Reserve, after 150m take the track left past the Water Board building. Follow the lower fire track on the left. The track follows the western shore of Lime Kiln Bay. After about 600m take the walking track deviating to the left, and continue a further 400m to Boggywell Point.

3) Boggywell Point

Take time to visit the rock platform with good views of Oatley Park across the water. To the right nice views of Historic Glenlee and the remains of the oyster leases. A favourite spot to stop for a break.

4) Boggywell Point to lower Gannons (600m)

Track continues uphill (steep and rocky) and comes out at Alsace Lane. Keep going uphill (not left) on Brittany Place and after 100m turn left into View Street. At the end of View Street the track starts south between houses #23 and #24. Follow the track for 200m then turn left and scramble over the well defined path on the rock, down to the lower track almost to the mangroves. On reaching the bottom of the slope turn right to follow lower track, keeping close to the mangroves.

5) Lower Gannons to Heinrich Reserve (950m)

Track emerges at the lowest point of Gannons Park, walk left across with the track following the creek line until meeting the wide track coming from Gannons Park. Turn left and follow the track south (on the western shore of Boggywell Creek) to Heinrich Reserve and Glenlee. There are many tracks crossing small creeks and forested areas. Stay on the narrow track closest to the waterline.

6) At Heinrich Reserve (200m)

Explore the lower part of the reserve which has historic road made from sandstone blocks, with culvert, foundations of jetty and oyster farm structures.

Walk a further 60m to a grove of bamboo and the boundary fence of Historic Glenlee, a good viewpoint for the property.

Retrace your steps and 70m beyond the jetty area take the steep uphill track on the left. Walk up the steps (watch out for plaque) to the upper part of the reserve at Bayside Drive (200m), which has a grassed area good for a picnic with views. Heinrich Reserve has some good remnant bush which has had an active bushcare group.

7) Heinrich Reserve to Gannons Park (1.2km)

Exit upper Heinrich Reserve at the northern end. Walk sharp right onto the track downhill (not into driveways of the houses). At the bottom follow the track left (north), merging onto the fire trail into Gannons Park (500m). Continue along the vegetated fire trail into Gannons Park, merging onto the paved cycle path where there are Toilet & picnic facilities opposite.

8) Gannons Park to Lime Kiln Bay footbridge (2.0km)

Follow cycle path 450m uphill to the Gannons Water Harvesting Project. Walk uphill along the elevated walkway from lower Gannons to upper Gannons, eventually reaching the playing fields.

On reaching the playing fields, exit Gannons Park turning right (south) into Jindabyne Crescent and follow it to the intersection with Pindari Road (Note: for refreshments, you can deviate to a cafe here – left 100m).

Turn right into Pindari Road, then next left into Lorraine Street. After 100m turn right into Bayview Road then next left into Pamela Avenue. Follow the steep downhill slope of Pamela Ave to the bottom.

Then continue straight ahead along the path, through Jinna Reserve and across the footbridge over Lime Kiln Bay back to your starting point.